EPD Hub Help center
How does EPD Hub collaborate with ECO Platform?
EPD Hub joined ECO Platform with the intention to get recognized as an established ECO EPD Programme Operator and will apply for getting audited on full compliance with ECO Platform Standards in 2024.
EPD Hub is already active and contributing in Eco-platform working groups with a goal to contribute in creating an aligned processes amongst Program Operators and to tackle all future changes in one harmonised way with other Eco-platform members.
EPD Hub was part of Eco-platform’s General Assembly in Brussels (May 2024). More info here:
Our program manager joined a Program Operator workshop about the Construction Product Regulation (CPR) topic, and our chairman participated in a group of notified bodies (GNB) meeting at ICMQ for the GNB-CPR SH03 topic. More info here:
Ari Ilomäki (Senior Advisor of EPD Hub):