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EPD Hub Help center

How do verification and publishing processes work?

How to submit an EPD to the EPD Hub platform

Step 1 - Set up your EPD Hub account

  1. To submit the EPD to the EPD Hub platform, manufacturers/consultants must have TWO accounts

    1. An ‘User’ account for logging in to the platform and submitting. 

    2. A ‘Publisher’ account for selecting publishers during submission. 

  2. New EPD publishers should contact their EPD CS onboarding mentor to create the user EPD Hub accounts. 
  3.  Existing EPD publishers should contact for assistance in adding additional user accounts or in merging their new account with the existing account created by EPD Hub for past EPD publishing.

  4. Once we add the provided email address as a new user, the client will receive a registration email from . Click the provided link to set up your EPD Hub account & update your user-password setup.
  5.Before submitting your EPDs to the EPD Hub platform, it is important to make sure you have joined any publisher.


Step 2 - Publisher account - EPD Hub
  1. Open the EPD Hub homepage. Locate and click on the "Publishers" section. Within the Publishers Section, find the option "Create or join publishers" and click on it.

  2. If you are a new publisher, fill in all the required information for your organisation and click the "Save" button. This action will automatically make you the owner of the publisher.

  3. After creating a new publisher, or if you have an existing EPD publisher, select the option "Search for existing publisher". Type your company or organization name in the search field. Once you see your company's name in the search results, click on the "+" sign located on the right side of the name.

  4. This action will trigger a notification to the owner of the publisher account, and either our team or the owner of the publisher will grant the access.

Step 3 - EPD Submission via One Click LCA​

  1. Once your Project is ready for verification & publishing go to the results page of the project. Click on ‘’More Actions’’ → ‘’Submit to

  2. For first-time users, if you encounter a pop-up block from your browser settings, you may also receive a trigger warning in OCL indicating “ In order for the feature to work please enable the opening of popup windows in your browser setting”. Allow the blocked pop-up to proceed and then repeat the EPD submission to successfully complete the process.

  3. add as a new product

  4. Add declaration​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

   5. If you fail to submit automatically, you can download the zip file and then upload the zip file to the EPD Hub platform manually. Go to EPD hub platform and under product page, click add product.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​























Click add and repeat the same process as mentioned above, add as a new product and then add a new declaration.


Step 4 - Credits consumed notification
  1. If you have enough balance in your account, wait for a notification email from EPD Hub support for notifying how many credits have been consumed for your verification.

  2. If you haven’t purchased any credits for EPD Hub or your balance is insufficient, you will receive a notification email, reminding you to seek for purchase options and we will initiate verification only after receiving the confirmation of payment.


Step 5 - Verification start
  1. Once you have received notification email, it means we have officially delivered your EPDs for verification, and one verifier will be assigned within the next 1-2 working days.

  2. There will be a notification email containing a link that leads you to answer the comments from our verifier, please answer each comment and revise your draft EPD accordingly.  

    • Please kindly be aware that you should upload the revised EPD in word format and upload it every time after you send out your answers on the platform.


Set up your EPD Hub account
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